Our Story

Skye Candle and Body Care have always been dedicated to eco-friendliness, crafting natural home-fragrance and self-care products with respect for our unique New Zealand environment. We strive to create products that are good for you and our planet.

We're elated to present an incentivized recycling program for our patrons! It's been created to motivate the reuse of packing material & amplify the amount of recycling completed by both us & our customers.

Kash Harvey – Chief Maker And Owner

My beautiful daughter, Skye, was the inspiration behind Skye Candle and Body Care. Then, back in 2016 when I found out I was pregnant, I was determined to stay at home with her – and to pursue something I was truly passionate about.

I found that crafting unique scents, delving into natural ingredients, and making a variety of soothing home fragrances and personal-care products brought me immense joy.

Raising a kid and running a business at home can be a wild ride. You'll face setbacks, but it can bring so much joy. Doing something you love surrounded with those that matter is an incomparable feeling.

We all have unique paths to follow - let Skye Candle and Body Care aid you on yours!

Ask Kash Harvey

What inspired you to create Skye Candle and Body Care?

When I was pregnant with my daughter Skye in 2016, severe nausea caused me to resign my office job and stay home. But as an ambitious person, I couldn't just lie in bed all day. So I began crafting candles and wax melts as a hobby (which my mum loved!), and after three months I decided that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mum and couldn't let someone else take care of my daughter. I started my business when I was eight months pregnant.

What obstacles stand in your way when you launch your venture?

Honestly, everything was daunting, especially since I had no knowledge of business operations–my background was in HR and law. But I was determined to start small, financing everything with my own funds and teaching myself from the ground up. Poor English skills and lack of photography knowledge meant I had to invest in my content and marketing. Being an introvert complicated things, as I couldn't reach out to customers face-to-face, despite the confidence I had on my products. I began my journey on the kitchen table with a newborn, Skye, and continuing my MBA studies. My husband's cheerleading kept me going when I wanted to give up.

What tasks make running a small business difficult?

How to adjust when social media algorithms change, connecting with buyers when you're introverted, and lacking financial
stability to come up with innovative solutions. Also crafting products takes time, and if you're the sole person responsible for running everything, it can be exhausting. On top of that, when you're a small business owner, hiring help and covering overhead costs is costly.

How many employees does your business have?

My 3 loyal employees, Adi, Soqo and Alex, are passionate about making and using my Skye products! During weekends Adi and Soqo make sure everything is in order by cleaning the shop, packing the products, and preparing for the coming week. Alex is there Monday-Friday to help pick up orders, rearrange items, and create compelling social media content. Handling all paperwork, orders, production and customer relations are my specialties.

What suggestions would you offer to budding female entrepreneurs who just starting a business?

Penning your ambitions is the initial guidance! Without writing them out, how will you comprehend what your heart really yearns for and how you can accomplish your aspirations? Jotting your aspirations is the first stride to success and the remainder will follow. Furthermore, pick something you're passionate about instead of simply a business that will bring money. When ardor drives your selection, you won't ever have to work a single day in your life.

How did you come up with the name for your company?

My daughter Skye is the namesake of the business - it's called Skye Handcrafts as well as Skye Candle and Body Shop. I'm hoping that when she's grown, she'll want to carry on the business I've built. After two years, I rebranded the business to Skye Candle and Body Care

Where did you come from originally?

Malaysia was my birthplace, and I made the move to New Zealand in 2014 when I was 29. I'm all too familiar with the misperceptions of my background, often mistaken for India or Fiji. Although I sometimes correct them, I'm content to let it be.

Our Value

  • Commitment

    We are committed to our customers. This means providing a personal and professional service. We listen to your feedback and we’re committed to constantly learning about the best in home fragrance and self-care ingredients, and products.

  • Environment

    We care about our unique New Zealand environment. We work with natural ingredients that are kind to you and kind to our environment. We are committed to reducing our use of plastic packaging.

  • Simplicity

    We want to help you live life, simply. We handcraft and sell the best natural home fragrance and self-care products under one roof, in New Zealand.

  • Integrity

    We only use ingredients that we would put on our own skin. We will never settle for cheap, and potentially toxic products. Your wellbeing is important to us.